Hey there!👋
I’m Klaudia.
A digital marketer. Creative. Social Media Manager. Content Creator. Digital Strategist. Online Marketer.
You name it.
Originally from Slovakia, been living in Denmark for 5 years. Currently based in Aarhus.
With a background in International Relations and 2 years of Marketing experience.
Currently working on these freelance stuff as a digital marketer helping small businesses with marketing strategies, social media management, and content creation.

KlaudiaCreative is a project focused on helping freelancers, entrepreneurs, and small business owners grow their businesses by taking care of their marketing-related tasks. By outsourcing these tasks, everyone can focus on what they do best while using their resources efficiently.
After graduating from uni in the midst of the pandemic and entering a new era of job searching - I stumbled upon an internship opportunity. My first time working with marketing (with SEO to be precise). After the internship was over, I might not have been successful in my job search I’ve had success in finding my passion - digital marketing!
From that moment on, I’ve worked on learning more about marketing, passing several courses, building my portfolio, volunteering on projects, and at last, helping clients with my freelance services.
I believe that it’s important to follow your passion and it’s even better if your passion can bring you income. It is, however, not an easy task. That’s why, I want to help other like-minded people who follow their passion and turn it into a business to succeed.
I totally understand how freelance entrepreneurs and small business owners have a lot on their plate and try to balance it all with limited resources. And I can help you with this! By outsourcing some necessary tasks you can dedicate more time to what you’re good at - working on your passion project.
In the meantime, I can help you communicate your message to the right audience and make sure it gets translated correctly.